Our Rich History
In 1737, St. Marie Marguerite d’Youville founded the Sisters of Charity of Montreal, known as the Grey Nuns. She touched the lives of thousands during her lifetime and has affected countless more since her death in 1771. Her mission lives on today in those who, like her, show the compassionate love of God in ministry to the poor in body, mind and spirit. She was given the title of “Mother of Universal Charity” at her beatification in 1959 and pronounced “Saint” on December 9, 1990.
Youville Place in Lexington once served as the Provincial House for the Grey Nuns. In 1997, the forward-thinking sisters established Youville Place as a 92-unit assisted living residence where the retired sisters lived and welcomed lay residents to the community. In 2008, Covenant Health Systems, Inc., based in Tewksbury, Mass., became the sole sponsor of Youville Place, where several retired sisters continue to live with other residents.